The Ultimate Guide To Stone-Coated Metal Roofing (2024)

Stone-coated metal roofing is revolutionizing the roofing industry with its unmatched durability, aesthetic appeal, and eco-friendly features.

Combining the strength of metal with the timeless beauty of stone chips, this roofing solution offers long-term protection against harsh weather conditions and fire hazards.

With its energy-efficient properties and recyclability, stone-coated metal roofing is paving the way for greener building practices.

Discover the benefits of stone-coated metal roofing and make the switch to a sustainable future today!

stone coated metal roofing

What is Stone-Coated Metal Roofing?

Stone-coated metal roofing is a roofing material composed of steel or other metal sheets coated with stone chips and acrylic resin.

This unique combination provides the durability of metal roofing with the aesthetic appeal of traditional roofing materials like clay or slate. The stone chips are typically bonded to the metal using a specialized adhesive, creating a durable and weather-resistant surface. Stone-coated metal roofing offers benefits such as longevity, fire resistance, and low maintenance requirements. Additionally, it comes in various styles and colors to suit different architectural preferences, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial properties.

Benefits of Stone-Coated Metal Roofing

Stone-coated metal roofing offers several benefits:

  1. Durability: Metal roofing is inherently durable, and the addition of stone chips enhances its resistance to weathering, corrosion, and impact.

  2. Longevity: With proper installation and maintenance, stone-coated metal roofs can last 50 years or more, outlasting many traditional roofing materials.

  3. Weather Resistance: Stone-coated metal roofing is highly resistant to extreme weather conditions, including high winds, hail, and heavy rain, providing reliable protection for your home or building.

  4. Fire Resistance: Metal roofing is non-combustible, and the stone coating adds an extra layer of fire protection, making it a safe choice for areas prone to wildfires or urban environments.

  5. Energy Efficiency: Reflective coatings on metal roofing can help reduce energy costs by reflecting solar heat, keeping buildings cooler in hot climates and reducing the strain on HVAC systems.

  6. Low Maintenance: Stone-coated metal roofing requires minimal maintenance over its lifespan, saving homeowners time and money on repairs and upkeep.

  7. Aesthetic Appeal: Stone-coated metal roofing comes in a variety of styles and colors, mimicking the look of traditional roofing materials like slate or clay tiles, enhancing the curb appeal of any property.

  8. Environmentally Friendly: Metal roofing is often made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable at the end of its life, making it an eco-friendly roofing option compared to other materials.

Disadvantages of Stone-Coated Metal Roof

Here are some disadvantages of stone-coated metal roof:

  1. Cost: Stone-coated metal roofs tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to some other roofing materials. While they offer long-term savings due to their durability and energy efficiency, the initial investment can be a barrier for some homeowners.

  2. Installation Complexity: Installing a stone-coated metal roof requires specialized skills and equipment. Improper installation can lead to issues such as leaks or damage, so it’s essential to hire experienced professionals. Additionally, the installation process may take longer than with other roofing materials, adding to the overall cost and inconvenience.

  3. Maintenance Requirements: While stone-coated metal roofs are generally low-maintenance, they may still require occasional inspections and repairs, especially in areas prone to extreme weather conditions. Accumulation of debris or damage to the coating can affect the roof’s performance over time, necessitating periodic maintenance to ensure longevity.

Types of Stone Coated Metal Roofing

There are several types of stone-coated metal roofing available, each offering unique characteristics and aesthetic options:

  1. Shingle Style: This type resembles traditional asphalt shingles but with the added durability and longevity of metal roofing. It offers a classic look suitable for various architectural styles.

  2. Tile Style: Mimicking the appearance of clay or concrete tiles, this style provides the elegance of traditional tile roofing with the benefits of metal, including lightweight construction and enhanced durability.

  3. Shake Style: This style replicates the look of natural wood shakes but with the durability and fire resistance of metal. It offers a rustic appearance while providing superior protection against weathering and pests.

  4. Slate Style: Resembling natural slate roofing, this style combines the sleek, sophisticated appearance of slate with the lightweight and durable properties of metal, offering a high-end look without the maintenance requirements of real slate.

  5. Diamond Style: This unique style features a diamond-shaped pattern, adding visual interest and architectural flair to the roof. It’s a popular choice for contemporary and modern designs.

How Stone-Coated Metal Roofing Works

Stone-coated metal roofing works by combining the durability of metal with the aesthetic appeal and weather resistance of stone chips. Here’s how the process typically works:

  1. Metal Substrate: The roofing begins with a base layer of steel or other metal substrate. This metal provides the structural integrity and strength of the roofing system.

  2. Application of Adhesive: A specialized adhesive is applied to the metal substrate. This adhesive serves as the bonding agent for the subsequent layers.

  3. Stone Chips Application: Stone chips, usually made from natural granite or ceramic, are then evenly distributed and pressed onto the adhesive-coated metal substrate. These stone chips provide the roofing with its characteristic appearance and texture.

  4. Acrylic Coating: After the stone chips are applied, a protective acrylic coating is sprayed or rolled onto the surface. This coating helps to seal the stone chips in place, providing additional weather resistance and UV protection.

  5. Curing: The roofing panels are then cured in an oven or through air-drying processes to ensure that the adhesive and acrylic coating properly bond to the metal substrate and stone chips.

Choosing the Right Stone-Coated Metal Roofing

Choosing the right stone-coated metal roofing involves considering several key factors to ensure you select a product that meets your needs and preferences. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision:

Style and Aesthetic Appeal:

Stone-coated metal roofing comes in various styles, including shingle, tile, shake, slate, and diamond patterns. Consider the architectural style of your home or building and choose a roofing style that complements it. Additionally, assess the available color options to find one that enhances the overall curb appeal of your property.

Durability and Longevity:

Evaluate the durability and longevity of the roofing system. Look for products with high-quality metal substrates and stone chips that can withstand harsh weather conditions, UV exposure, and impact. Consider the manufacturer’s warranty and inquire about the expected lifespan of the roofing material.

Weather Resistance:

Stone-coated metal roofing should offer superior weather resistance, including resistance to wind, rain, hail, and snow. Check for certifications and testing results that demonstrate the roofing system’s ability to withstand extreme weather events. Choose a product that is suitable for your local climate and environmental conditions.

Fire Resistance:

Metal roofing is inherently fire-resistant, but the addition of stone chips can further enhance its fire resistance properties. Look for stone-coated metal roofing systems that meet or exceed fire safety standards and building codes to ensure the protection of your property and occupants.

Energy Efficiency:

Consider the energy efficiency of the roofing system. Opt for products with reflective coatings that can help reduce heat absorption and lower cooling costs during hot weather. Look for ENERGY STAR® certified roofing materials that meet stringent energy efficiency standards.

Installation Requirements:

Evaluate the installation requirements of the stone-coated metal roofing system. Choose a product that is compatible with your roof’s structure and pitch. Consider hiring a professional roofing contractor with experience installing stone-coated metal roofing to ensure proper installation and optimal performance.

Maintenance Needs:

Assess the maintenance needs of the roofing system. Stone-coated metal roofing typically requires minimal maintenance, but it’s essential to follow manufacturer recommendations for cleaning and inspections to prolong its lifespan. Choose a product that offers easy maintenance and repairs, if needed.

Cost and Budget:

Compare the cost of different stone-coated metal roofing options and consider your budget constraints. While stone-coated metal roofing may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional roofing materials, its long-term durability and energy efficiency can result in cost savings over time. Factor in the total cost of ownership, including installation, maintenance, and potential energy savings, when making your decision.

Manufacturer Reputation:

Research the reputation of the roofing manufacturer and supplier. Choose a reputable company with a track record of producing high-quality stone-coated metal roofing systems and providing excellent customer service and support. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge satisfaction levels and reliability.

How To Install Stone Coated Metal Roofing

The installation process for stone-coated metal roofing involves several steps to ensure proper fit, durability, and weather resistance. Here’s a detailed overview on how to install a stone coated metal roof:

  1. Preparation: The installation process begins with thorough preparation of the roof surface. This may involve removing existing roofing materials, repairing any damaged or rotted areas, and ensuring the roof deck is clean, dry, and structurally sound.

  2. Underlayment Installation: A waterproof underlayment is installed over the roof deck to provide an additional layer of protection against moisture infiltration. This underlayment helps prevent leaks and enhances the longevity of the roofing system.

  3. Flashing Installation: Flashing is installed around roof penetrations, such as chimneys, vents, and skylights, to prevent water from seeping into the roof deck. Proper flashing installation is critical for ensuring a watertight seal and preventing leaks.

  4. Batten Installation: Wooden or metal battens are then installed horizontally over the underlayment. These battens provide the framework for attaching the stone-coated metal roofing panels and help create an airspace between the roofing material and the roof deck, promoting ventilation and preventing moisture buildup.

  5. Panel Installation: Stone-coated metal roofing panels are carefully installed over the battens according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Each panel is secured in place using screws or nails, ensuring a tight fit and proper alignment. Panels may be interlocked or overlapped to provide added protection against water infiltration.

  6. Ridge Cap Installation: Ridge caps, which are specially designed to cover the peak of the roof and provide a finished look, are installed along the ridgeline. Ridge caps are typically made from the same stone-coated metal material as the roofing panels and are secured in place using screws or adhesive.

  7. Trim and Detailing: Any necessary trim pieces, such as eave trim, gable trim, and hip caps, are installed to provide a clean and professional finish. Special attention is given to detailing around roof edges, valleys, and other vulnerable areas to ensure proper water runoff and weather resistance.

  8. Final Inspection: Once the installation is complete, a final inspection is conducted to verify that the roofing system has been installed according to industry standards and manufacturer guidelines. Any necessary adjustments or repairs are made to ensure the roof is structurally sound and watertight.

Maintenance Tips for Stone-Coated Metal Roofing

Maintaining your stone-coated metal roofing is essential for ensuring its longevity, performance, and aesthetic appeal. Here are some maintenance tips to help you keep your roof in top condition:

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular visual inspections of your roof to check for signs of damage, such as loose or missing panels, cracked or chipped stone coating, rust spots, or debris buildup. Inspect the flashing, ridge caps, and trim for any signs of wear or deterioration.

  2. Clean Debris: Remove debris such as leaves, branches, dirt, and other debris from the roof surface regularly. Accumulated debris can trap moisture, promote algae or mold growth, and cause damage to the roofing material. Use a soft-bristled broom or leaf blower to gently sweep debris off the roof.

  3. Gutter Maintenance: Clean and inspect gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure proper drainage and prevent water backup onto the roof. Remove leaves, twigs, and other debris from gutters to prevent clogs and water damage to the roof and surrounding structures.

  4. Trim Overhanging Branches: Trim overhanging tree branches to prevent them from rubbing against the roof surface or dropping leaves and branches onto the roof. Branches can scratch the stone coating and cause damage to the roofing material, especially during high winds or storms.

  5. Prevent Moss and Algae Growth: Keep trees trimmed and ensure adequate sunlight and ventilation to prevent moss, algae, and mold growth on the roof surface. If necessary, use a mild detergent solution and a soft-bristled brush to remove moss or algae growth carefully.

  6. Repair Damage Promptly: Address any signs of damage or deterioration promptly to prevent further issues. Replace loose or missing panels, repair damaged flashing or trim, and touch up any chipped or scratched areas of the stone coating as needed. Hire a professional roofing contractor for complex repairs or maintenance tasks.

  7. Avoid Walking on the Roof: Minimize foot traffic on the roof surface to prevent damage to the stone coating and underlying metal panels. If inspection or maintenance tasks require accessing the roof, use caution and walk only on designated walkways or areas with reinforced support.

  8. Professional Inspections: Schedule periodic professional inspections of your stone-coated metal roofing system by a qualified roofing contractor. A professional inspection can identify potential issues early and help prevent costly repairs or replacements down the line.

How Much Does Stone-Coated Metal Roofing Cost?

Stone-coated metal roofing typically costs between $6 and $15 per square foot.

The total cost depends on various factors, including the type and style of the roofing material, the size and complexity of the roof, installation costs, and any additional features or accessories.

It’s essential to obtain quotes from multiple roofing contractors and suppliers to get an accurate estimate based on your specific needs and preferences.

Environmental Impact of Stone-Coated Metal Roofing

Stone-coated metal roofing offers several environmental benefits compared to traditional roofing materials:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Stone-coated metal roofing is highly reflective, meaning it can reflect a significant portion of the sun’s heat away from the building. This helps to reduce the heat island effect in urban areas and lowers the demand for air conditioning, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

  2. Longevity and Durability: Stone-coated metal roofing has a longer lifespan compared to many traditional roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles or wood shakes. This longevity reduces the need for frequent roof replacements, which can contribute to reduced waste and environmental impact from manufacturing and disposal of roofing materials.

  3. Recyclability: Metal roofing materials are highly recyclable at the end of their lifespan. Steel, aluminum, and other metals used in stone-coated metal roofing can be recycled repeatedly without losing their properties or quality. Recycling metal roofing reduces the demand for new raw materials and minimizes the environmental impact of mining and manufacturing processes.

  4. Sustainable Manufacturing: Many stone-coated metal roofing manufacturers prioritize sustainable manufacturing practices, such as using recycled materials, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing waste generation. By choosing products from environmentally conscious manufacturers, consumers can further reduce the environmental impact of their roofing choices.

  5. Water Collection: Stone-coated metal roofing can be designed to facilitate rainwater collection for irrigation, landscaping, or other non-potable uses. This reduces the demand for municipal water supplies and conserves freshwater resources, particularly in areas prone to water scarcity or drought.

  6. Fire Resistance: Metal roofing is non-combustible and offers superior fire resistance compared to materials like wood shakes or asphalt shingles. Choosing fire-resistant roofing materials can help mitigate the risk of wildfires and protect both the environment and property from fire damage.

  7. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Stone-coated metal roofing’s energy efficiency, recyclability, and longevity contribute to a reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional roofing materials. By reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and promoting sustainable practices, stone-coated metal roofing can help mitigate climate change and environmental degradation.


Stone-coated metal roofing offers a compelling blend of durability, aesthetic appeal, and environmental sustainability. Its innovative design, combining metal substrates with stone chips and acrylic resin, ensures long-term protection against harsh weather conditions and fire hazards. Moreover, its energy-efficient properties and recyclability minimize environmental impact while reducing energy consumption and waste. With its commitment to sustainability, stone-coated metal roofing emerges as a holistic solution for green building initiatives, enhancing both the resilience and aesthetic appeal of properties while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Looking for expert assistance with your roofing project?

Look no further than our Metal Roofing Spokane contractors. We’re here to support you at every stage, from initial consultation to final installation. With our expertise in stone-coated metal roofing, we ensure durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal for your property. Trust us to guide you through the process and provide top-quality service, making your roofing project a seamless and successful experience. Contact us today to get started on your journey to a reliable and eco-friendly roofing solution.


Stone-coated metal roofs have a life expectancy of 50 years or more with proper installation and maintenance. They are known for their durability and longevity compared to traditional roofing materials.

Yes, you can walk on a stone-coated metal roof, but it’s essential to do so carefully to avoid damaging the stone coating or the underlying metal panels. Use caution and walk only on designated walkways or areas with reinforced support.

Stone-coated metal shingles are roofing panels made from steel or other metal substrates coated with stone chips and acrylic resin. They mimic the appearance of traditional roofing materials like shingles, offering durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal.

While stone-coated metal roofing is generally durable and low maintenance, common issues may include chipped or cracked stone coating, loose panels, or damage to flashing and trim. Proper installation and regular maintenance can help prevent these problems.

To clean a stone-coated metal roof, use a mild detergent solution and a soft-bristled brush or low-pressure washer to remove dirt, debris, and algae growth. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the stone coating or the metal panels. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help preserve the appearance and performance of the roof.

John Winston Author
John Winston

With a keen eye for detail and a wealth of experience in the industry, John's articles are your ultimate guide to durable, stylish roofing solutions.

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