How To Install a Stone Coated Metal Roof Correctly?

As homeowners and contractors seek durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing solutions, stone-coated metal roofing has emerged as a popular choice.

Combining the strength of metal with the elegance of stone, this roofing material offers a unique blend of durability, style, and longevity.

However, proper installation is crucial to maximize its benefits. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about installing stone-coated metal roofing, from pre-installation preparation to post-installation maintenance. Let’s get started!

how to install stone coated metal roof

What is Stone-Coated Metal Roofing?

Stone coated metal roofing is a type of roofing material that consists of metal panels coated with stone chips and sealed with an acrylic film.

The process involves bonding crushed natural stone to the metal panels using high-quality adhesive, creating a durable and aesthetically pleasing roofing solution. The result is a roof that combines the strength and longevity of metal with the timeless beauty of stone, offering homeowners a durable and visually appealing option for protecting their homes.

Advantages of Stone-Coated Metal Roofing Over Traditional Roofing Materials

  1. Durability: Stone-coated metal roofing is highly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, hail, wind, and snow. It is resistant to cracking, fading, and warping, ensuring long-term performance and protection for your home.

  2. Longevity: Compared to traditional roofing materials such as asphalt shingles or wood shakes, stone-coated metal roofing has a longer lifespan. It can last 50 years or more with proper maintenance, saving homeowners the hassle and cost of frequent roof replacements.

  3. Energy Efficiency: Stone-coated metal roofing is reflective, meaning it can reflect heat from the sun away from the home, reducing cooling costs in hot climates. This energy-efficient feature can lead to lower utility bills and a more comfortable indoor environment.

  4. Fire Resistance: Metal roofing is inherently fire-resistant, providing an added layer of protection for your home against fire hazards. The stone coating further enhances this fire resistance, making it an ideal choice for areas prone to wildfires or other fire risks.

  5. Low Maintenance: Stone-coated metal roofing requires minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials. It is resistant to mold, mildew, and algae growth, and can be easily cleaned with water and mild detergent to maintain its appearance over time.

3 Disadvantages of Stone-Coated Metal Roof

While stone-coated metal roofing offers numerous advantages, there are also some disadvantages of stone-coated metal roof to consider:

  1. Initial Cost: One of the primary drawbacks of stone-coated metal roofing is its higher upfront cost compared to traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles or wood shakes. The cost of materials and installation for stone-coated metal roofing can be significant, which may deter some homeowners on a tight budget.

  2. Installation Complexity: Installing stone-coated metal roofing requires specialized skills and expertise, particularly when it comes to cutting and shaping the metal panels to fit around vents, chimneys, and other roof features. Improper installation can lead to leaks, gaps, and other issues that compromise the roof’s integrity and performance.

  3. Noise Level: While stone-coated metal roofing is generally quieter than traditional metal roofing during rain or hailstorms, it can still produce more noise compared to other roofing materials like asphalt shingles or clay tiles. The sound of rain hitting metal panels may be bothersome for some homeowners, especially if the roof is directly above living spaces like bedrooms or home offices. However, proper insulation and underlayment can help mitigate this noise to some extent.

Common Styles and Designs Available

Stone-coated metal roofing comes in a variety of styles and designs to suit different architectural preferences and aesthetic tastes. Some common styles include:

  1. Tile Profile: Mimics the appearance of traditional clay or concrete tiles, offering a classic and timeless look for residential and commercial properties.

  2. Shingle Profile: Resembles the texture and shape of asphalt shingles, providing a more contemporary and streamlined appearance while retaining the benefits of metal roofing.

  3. Wood Shake Profile: Emulates the natural texture and grain of wood shakes, perfect for homeowners seeking the rustic charm of wood with the durability of metal.

  4. Slate Profile: Replicates the elegance and sophistication of natural slate roofing, adding a touch of luxury to any home or building.

Pre-Installation Preparation

Before beginning the installation of stone-coated metal roofing, thorough pre-installation preparation is essential to ensure a smooth and successful process. This stage involves several key steps:

  1. Roof Inspection: Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the existing roof structure to assess its condition and identify any repairs or reinforcements needed before installing the new roofing material. Addressing any underlying issues upfront can prevent complications and ensure the longevity of the new roof.

  2. Measurements and Calculations: Accurately measure the dimensions of the roof to determine the quantity of materials needed for the project. Calculations should include the surface area of the roof, as well as additional materials such as underlayment, flashing, and trim.

  3. Permit Acquisition: Check local building codes and regulations to determine if permits are required for installing stone-coated metal roofing. Obtain necessary permits and approvals from the relevant authorities before commencing work to avoid potential legal issues or fines.

  4. Clearing the Work Area: Remove any debris, obstructions, or vegetation from the roof surface to create a clean and safe work environment. Clearing the work area minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures easier access for installation crews.

Gathering Tools and Materials To Install Stone Coated Metal Roof

Once pre-installation preparation is complete, gather all the necessary tools and materials needed for installing stone-coated metal roofing. This includes:

  1. Tools: Gather a comprehensive set of tools required for the installation process, including safety equipment such as ladders, harnesses, and fall protection gear. Other essential tools may include a screw gun, measuring tape, chalk line, metal snips, and a roofing hammer.

  2. Materials: Acquire high-quality materials for the stone-coated metal roofing system, including metal panels, underlayment, flashing, fasteners, and trim pieces. Ensure that all materials meet industry standards and are compatible with the specific requirements of the roof design and local climate conditions.

  3. Safety Equipment: Prioritize safety by providing all installation crew members with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including hard hats, gloves, safety glasses, and non-slip footwear. Additionally, establish safety protocols and procedures to mitigate the risk of accidents and injuries during the installation process.

Safety Measures

Safety is paramount when installing stone-coated metal roofing, as working at heights poses inherent risks. Implement the following safety measures to protect installation crews and minimize the likelihood of accidents:

  1. Training and Certification: Ensure that all installation crew members receive comprehensive training on proper safety protocols and installation techniques. Certifications or qualifications in roof installation and safety may be required depending on local regulations.

  2. Fall Protection Systems: Install temporary or permanent fall protection systems, such as guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall arrest systems (PFAS), to prevent falls from the roof surface. Adequate fall protection equipment should be provided and worn by all workers when working at heights.

  3. Regular Safety Inspections: Conduct regular safety inspections of the work site and equipment to identify and address potential hazards or safety issues promptly. Inspections should be performed before each shift and after any significant changes or additions to the work area.

  4. Emergency Preparedness: Develop and communicate emergency procedures for responding to accidents, injuries, or adverse weather conditions. Provide access to first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and emergency contact information to ensure a prompt and effective response in case of emergencies.

How To Install Stone Coated Metal Roof Correctly?

Installing stone-coated metal roofing requires careful attention to detail and adherence to specific procedures to ensure a durable and long-lasting roof.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the installation process:

Step 1: Removing Old Roofing Materials (if applicable):

If there are existing roofing materials such as asphalt shingles or wood shakes, they must be removed before installing the stone-coated metal roofing. Use a roofing shovel or pry bar to carefully lift and remove the old roofing materials, taking care to avoid damaging the underlying roof structure.

Step 2: Installing Underlayment and Flashing:

Once the roof surface is clean and free of debris, install an appropriate underlayment to provide a protective barrier against moisture and enhance the roof’s waterproofing capabilities. Secure the underlayment with roofing nails or staples, ensuring proper overlap and alignment. Next, install flashing around roof penetrations, such as vents, chimneys, and skylights, to prevent water infiltration at vulnerable areas.

Step 3: Laying the Starter Strip:

Begin the installation process by laying a starter strip along the eaves of the roof. The starter strip provides a secure base for the first row of metal panels and helps prevent water from seeping underneath the roofing material. Align the starter strip horizontally, ensuring it is level and securely fastened to the roof deck.

Step 4: Placing the First Metal Panel:

Position the first metal panel at one corner of the roof, aligning it with the edge of the starter strip. Use a chalk line or straight edge to ensure the panel is straight and parallel to the roof’s edge. Secure the panel in place with screws or nails, driving them through the designated fastening points along the panel’s edges.

Step 5: Securing Panels with Fasteners:

Continue installing additional metal panels, overlapping each panel with the previous one according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Secure the panels with fasteners, making sure to drive them flush with the surface of the panel without over-tightening. Maintain consistent spacing between fasteners to ensure proper attachment and structural integrity.

Step 6: Overlapping Panels and Interlocking Seams:

As you progress with the installation, overlap each metal panel with the adjacent panel to create a watertight seal. Interlock the seams of the panels according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, ensuring a snug fit and preventing water infiltration along the roof’s surface.

Step 7: Cutting Panels to Fit Around Vents, Chimneys, and Other Obstacles:

Use metal snips or a cutting tool to trim metal panels to fit around roof vents, chimneys, dormers, and other obstacles. Take precise measurements and carefully cut the panels to ensure a proper fit, allowing for expansion and contraction due to temperature fluctuations.

Step 8: Installing Ridge Caps and Trim:

Finish the installation by installing ridge caps along the peak of the roof to provide additional protection and a finished appearance. Secure the ridge caps with screws or nails, overlapping them to create a seamless ridge line. Install trim pieces along the edges of the roof and at any openings or transitions to complete the installation and enhance the roof’s aesthetics.

Step 9. Techniques for Ensuring Proper Alignment and Spacing:

Throughout the installation process, use a level, straight edge, or chalk line to ensure proper alignment and spacing of the metal panels. Maintain consistent spacing between panels and rows to achieve a uniform appearance and maximize the roof’s structural integrity.

 Tips for Working Efficiently and Accurately:

Work methodically and systematically, following the manufacturer’s instructions and best practices for installing stone-coated metal roofing. Take breaks as needed to rest and recharge, especially when working at heights or in adverse weather conditions. Use proper lifting techniques and team communication to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries on the job site.

Post-Installation Care and Maintenance

Once the stone-coated metal roofing is installed, ongoing care and maintenance are necessary to ensure its longevity and performance. Here are some post-installation care tips:

  1. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of the roof to check for signs of damage, wear, or potential issues such as loose fasteners or damaged panels. Inspect the roof after severe weather events and address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

  2. Cleaning: Periodically clean the roof surface to remove dirt, debris, and organic materials such as leaves or moss that can accumulate and trap moisture. Use a gentle cleaning solution and avoid abrasive tools or harsh chemicals that could damage the stone coating or metal finish.

  3. Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to ensure proper drainage and prevent water from backing up onto the roof surface. Clean gutters regularly and repair any leaks or damage to prevent water from infiltrating the roof or causing structural damage to the building.

  4. Repairs: Promptly repair any damage to the roof, such as punctures, dents, or loose flashing. Use compatible materials and techniques to ensure effective repairs and prevent further deterioration of the roofing system.


In conclusion, installing stone-coated metal roofing is a significant investment that offers numerous benefits, including durability, longevity, and energy efficiency.

By following proper installation techniques and maintenance practices, homeowners can enjoy a stylish and resilient roofing solution that enhances the aesthetic appeal and value of their property.

While challenges may arise during the installation process, careful planning, attention to detail, and adherence to safety protocols can help mitigate risks and ensure a successful outcome. With regular inspections and maintenance, stone-coated metal roofing can provide reliable protection and peace of mind for years to come.

Ready to Install Stone-Coated Metal Roofing?

If you’re ready to upgrade to stone-coated metal roofing for your home or commercial property, contact Metal Roofing Spokane today! Our team of experienced professionals specializes in high-quality metal roofing installations, offering expert guidance and superior craftsmanship to ensure a durable and beautiful roof that will stand the test of time. Get in touch with us now to schedule a consultation and discover the benefits of stone-coated metal roofing for your property.


Stone-coated metal roofing can last 50 years or more with proper maintenance, making it a durable and long-lasting roofing option.
Yes, stone-coated metal roofing is highly versatile and can withstand a wide range of weather conditions, including heavy rain, hail, wind, and snow.
In some cases, stone-coated metal roofing can be installed over existing roofing materials, depending on the condition of the roof and local building codes. However, it’s important to consult with a professional to assess the feasibility and ensure proper installation.
Stone-coated metal roofing requires minimal maintenance compared to other roofing materials. Periodic inspections and cleaning are recommended to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
While stone-coated metal roofing may produce more noise during rainstorms compared to other roofing materials, proper insulation and underlayment can help minimize sound transmission and create a quieter indoor environment.
John Winston Author
John Winston

With a keen eye for detail and a wealth of experience in the industry, John's articles are your ultimate guide to durable, stylish roofing solutions.

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