Hanging Gutters on Metal Roof :
How To Install it Correctly

Are you considering installing gutters on a metal roof? In our detailed guide, we’ll examine how to hang gutters on metal roofs. 

From exploring different hanging methods to selecting the right gutter hangers for metal roofs and buildings, we cover everything you need to know. 

Discover how to optimize gutter performance, tackle installation challenges, and enhance functionality with overhang solutions. 

Whether you’re a homeowner or contractor, learn the different ways to hang gutters and ensure a seamless installation process for long-lasting results.

Hanging Gutters on Metal Roof

Is it necessary to have gutters on metal roofs?

Yes, metal roofs can benefit greatly from having gutters installed. While metal roofs are known for their durability and ability to shed water effectively, gutters play a crucial role in managing the flow of rainwater away from the roof and foundation of a building. 

Without gutters, water runoff from metal roofs can cause erosion around the foundation, leading to potential structural damage over time. Additionally, gutters help prevent water from dripping down the sides of the building, protecting exterior walls and minimizing water stains and damage. 

By directing rainwater away from the roof and foundation, gutters help to preserve the integrity of the entire structure, prolonging its lifespan and reducing the risk of costly repairs in the long run. 

Therefore, while metal roofs are resilient, installing gutters is still highly recommended to ensure proper drainage and protect the building’s foundation and exterior.

Can You Put Gutters on a Metal Roof?

Yes, gutters can be installed on a metal roof. In fact, it is a common practice to install gutters on metal roofs to manage rainwater effectively. Various types of gutters and gutter hangers are available specifically designed for metal roofs. 

These gutter systems are installed along the edge of the roof to collect rainwater and channel it away from the building’s foundation. Properly installed gutters on a metal roof help prevent water damage to the roof, walls, and foundation of the building. 

It’s essential to ensure that the gutters are securely fastened and properly aligned to ensure optimal performance and drainage. 

Homeowners and contractors should follow manufacturer guidelines and recommended installation procedures to ensure a successful installation of gutters on a metal roof.

Why Do Some Metal Roofs Lack Gutters?

Some metal roofs may lack gutters due to various reasons, including:

Design Choice: Some architectural designs may intentionally omit gutters for aesthetic reasons. Some modern or minimalist designs may prefer the clean look of a roof without gutters.

Low Rainfall Areas: In regions with low annual rainfall or arid climates, homeowners may choose to forgo gutters as there is less need for extensive rainwater management.

Cost Considerations: Installing gutters can add to the overall cost of metal roofing projects in Spokane. In some cases, homeowners may opt to save on expenses by omitting gutters, especially if they believe that rainwater runoff won’t pose a significant threat to their property.

Sloped Terrain: Properties with naturally sloped terrain may not require gutters as rainwater naturally flows away from the building without causing pooling or damage.

Retrofitting Challenges: Retrofitting gutters onto existing metal roofs can be complex and costly. Some homeowners may choose not to install gutters due to the challenges involved in retrofitting.

While gutters offer significant benefits in managing rainwater runoff and protecting the building’s foundation and exterior, the decision to install them ultimately depends on factors such as climate, architectural design, and budget constraints.

How to Install Metal Roof Gutters?

Installing gutters on a metal roof is a crucial step in protecting your home from water damage and ensuring proper drainage. Here’s a detailed process on how to install metal roof gutters effectively.

1. Preparation

Before beginning the installation process, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary materials and tools. These include gutters, gutter hangers specifically designed for metal roofs, downspouts, screws, sealant, measuring tape, level, and a drill. Additionally, don’t forget about safety equipment such as gloves and safety glasses to ensure protection during the installation process.

2. Measurement and Planning

The next step involves measuring the length of the roofline where the gutters will be installed. This measurement should account for any corners or angles along the roofline. By accurately measuring the length, you can determine the amount of gutter needed as well as the number of gutter hangers required. This planning phase is essential to ensure you have all the materials needed for a successful installation.

3. Determine Gutter Placement

Deciding where to place the gutters along the roofline is a critical step in the installation process. Typically, gutters are positioned just below the roof overhang to effectively collect rainwater runoff. It’s important to ensure that the gutters have a slight slope towards the downspout to facilitate proper drainage. Proper placement of the gutters will help prevent water from pooling on the roof or overflowing onto the building’s foundation.

4. Installation of Gutter Hangers

Once the planning is complete, it’s time to install the gutter hangers. These hangers will support the weight of the gutters and ensure they remain securely attached to the roof. It’s important to use gutter hangers specifically designed for metal roofs to ensure a proper fit and secure installation. The hangers should be spaced evenly along the length of the roofline, following manufacturer guidelines for spacing to provide adequate support for the gutters.

5. Hanging the Gutters

With the gutter hangers in place, it’s time to hang the gutters on the metal roof. Starting at one end of the roofline, slide the gutters into the installed hangers, ensuring a snug fit. Once in position, secure the gutters to the hangers using screws. It’s essential to space the screws evenly along the length of the gutter to provide uniform support and prevent sagging. This process of hanging gutters on metal roof ensures proper drainage and long-term durability.

6. Joining Gutter Sections

In cases where the roofline requires multiple gutter sections, it’s necessary to join them together securely. This is typically done using connectors or seamers, which provide a watertight seal between the sections. Applying sealant to the seams can further prevent leaks and ensure the integrity of the gutter system. Properly joining gutter sections is essential for maintaining the effectiveness of the drainage system.

7. Installation of Downspouts

The final step in the installation process is to install downspouts at the ends of the gutters. Downspouts are responsible for directing water away from the building’s foundation to prevent water damage. Position the downspouts vertically and secure them to the wall using brackets. It’s important to ensure that the downspouts extend several feet away from the foundation to prevent water from pooling around the building.

8. Testing the System

After completing the installation, it’s essential to test the gutter system to ensure it functions properly. This can be done by running water through the gutters with a hose and checking for any leaks or improper drainage. Any issues that arise during testing should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage to the roof or building.

9. Additional Considerations

For roofs with overhangs, additional measures may be needed to ensure proper water runoff. Gutter extensions or splash guards can help direct water away from the roof edge and prevent water from dripping down the sides of the building. Implementing a regular maintenance schedule, including gutter cleaning and inspection, is also important for keeping the gutter system functioning optimally and preventing clogs or damage.

10. Exploring Different Hanging Methods

There are various hanging methods available for installing gutters on metal roofs, each with its own benefits and installation techniques. Hidden hangers, strap hangers, and roof brackets are common options that provide different levels of support and aesthetic appeal. Choosing the right hanging method for your roof design and preferences is essential for ensuring a successful and long-lasting gutter installation.

Types of Gutters for Metal Roofs

When it comes to choosing gutters for metal roofs, there are several types available to suit different preferences and needs. Here are some common types of gutters for metal roofs:

Seamless Aluminum Gutters: 

Seamless aluminum gutters are a popular choice for metal roofs due to their durability, lightweight nature, and resistance to rust and corrosion. These gutters are custom-made to fit the exact dimensions of the roof, reducing the risk of leaks and providing a seamless appearance.

Steel Gutters: 

Steel gutters are another durable option for metal roofs. They are strong and able to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them suitable for use in areas with heavy rainfall or snow. Steel gutters can be painted or coated to match the color of the roof and complement the overall aesthetic of the building.

Copper Gutters: 

Copper gutters offer a distinctive and elegant appearance that complements the beauty of metal roofing. While more expensive than other types of gutters, copper gutters are highly durable and resistant to corrosion. Over time, copper develops a natural patina that adds to its charm and character.

Vinyl Gutters: 

Vinyl gutters are an affordable and lightweight option for metal roofs. While not as durable as aluminum or steel, vinyl gutters are resistant to rust and corrosion and come in a variety of colors to match the roof and exterior of the building. However, they may not be as suitable for areas with extreme weather conditions.

Half-Round Gutters: 

Half-round gutters are a classic choice that adds a touch of elegance to metal roofs. These gutters have a semicircular shape and are often made from aluminum or copper. Half-round gutters are less prone to clogging than traditional K-style gutters and provide improved water flow and drainage.

Box Gutters: 

Box gutters are built into the roof structure and are commonly used in commercial and industrial buildings with flat or low-slope metal roofs. These gutters are typically made from steel or aluminum and are designed to handle large volumes of water efficiently.

Issues With Gutters & Metal Roofing

When it comes to gutters and metal roofing, several issues can arise that may affect their performance and longevity. Here are some common issues to be aware of:


One of the primary concerns with gutters and metal roofing is ensuring compatibility between the two systems. Not all gutter materials are suitable for use with metal roofing, and using incompatible materials can lead to corrosion or other damage over time.

Expansion and Contraction: 

Metal roofing expands and contracts with changes in temperature, which can put stress on gutter attachments and joints. If gutters are not properly installed or secured, this movement can cause them to pull away from the roof or develop leaks.


Metal roofing sheds water more efficiently than other roofing materials, but debris such as leaves, branches, and dirt can still accumulate in gutters over time. Clogged gutters prevent proper drainage and can lead to water overflow, which may damage the roof and surrounding areas.


Improper installation or sealing of gutters can result in leaks, allowing water to seep into the roof structure or down the exterior walls of the building. This can cause water damage and compromise the integrity of the roof and building over time.

Ice Dams: 

In colder climates, ice dams can form on metal roofing, especially if gutters become clogged with debris. Ice dams prevent proper water drainage and can cause water to back up under the roofing material, leading to leaks and potential structural damage.

Maintenance Challenges: 

Metal roofing and gutters require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Cleaning gutters to remove debris, inspecting for damage or leaks, and ensuring proper sealing are essential tasks that should be performed regularly to prevent issues.


The appearance of gutters on a metal roof can impact the overall aesthetics of the building. Improperly installed or mismatched gutters can detract from the visual appeal of the roof and building facade.

Take the Next Step: Contact Us for Expert Gutter Assistance!

Ready to upgrade your metal roof with a reliable gutter system? Let our expert team at Metal Roofing Spokane help you find the perfect gutter solution for your property. From seamless aluminum gutters to steel and copper options, we have the expertise to ensure proper installation and long-lasting performance. Don’t let rainwater compromise the integrity of your roof – contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a secure and functional gutter system for your metal roof!


In conclusion, ensuring proper installation and maintenance of gutters on a metal roof is essential for protecting the integrity of your home or building. 

By understanding the various types of gutters available and employing appropriate hanging methods with gutter hangers designed for metal roofs, you can effectively manage rainwater runoff and prevent issues such as leakage, clogging, and ice dams. 

Whether installing seamless aluminum gutters or half-round gutters, prioritizing these steps ensures optimal performance and longevity of your gutter system.


To hang gutters on a metal roof, start by installing gutter hangers specifically designed for metal roofs along the roof’s edge. Slide the gutters into the installed hangers, ensuring a snug fit. Secure the gutters to the hangers using screws, spacing them evenly to provide uniform support and prevent sagging.
Yes, gutters can be installed on a metal roof to effectively manage rainwater runoff. Various types of gutters and gutter hangers are available specifically designed for metal roofs. Properly installed gutters help prevent water damage to the roof, walls, and foundation of the building.
If your metal roof lacks a fascia board, gutter installation can still be achieved using specialized gutter hangers designed for this purpose. These hangers are typically attached directly to the roof rafters or trusses. Follow manufacturer guidelines and recommended installation procedures to ensure a secure and effective installation.
The best type of gutters for a metal roof depends on various factors such as durability, aesthetics, and budget. Seamless aluminum gutters are a popular choice for their lightweight nature and resistance to rust and corrosion. Steel and copper gutters are also durable options, while vinyl gutters offer affordability and easy installation.
The metal roof should overhang the gutters by at least 1 to 2 inches to ensure proper water runoff. This overhang helps prevent water from dripping down the sides of the building and directs it into the gutters for efficient drainage. Ensure the overhang is consistent along the entire roofline for uniform water flow.
John Winston Author
John Winston

With a keen eye for detail and a wealth of experience in the industry, John's articles are your ultimate guide to durable, stylish roofing solutions.

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