How To Combine Metal Roof With Asphalt Shingles (Process)

Combining metal roofing with asphalt shingles offers homeowners the best of both worlds—enhanced aesthetics, increased durability, and cost savings. This hybrid roofing solution is gaining popularity as more people recognize its advantages. In this blog, we’ll explore why you might choose a combination roof, how to plan and execute the installation, and what considerations to keep in mind. Whether you’re renovating an old roof or planning a new one, this guide will help you understand the benefits and steps involved in creating a metal and asphalt shingle hybrid roof.

How To Combine Metal Roof With Asphalt Shingles

Can You Combine Asphalt Shingle and Metal Roofs?

Yes, combining asphalt shingles and metal roofs is possible and beneficial. This hybrid approach enhances aesthetics, increases durability, and balances cost, providing a versatile and effective roofing solution.

How to Combine Metal Roof with Asphalt Shingles?

To combine metal roofing with asphalt shingles:

  1. Inspection and Preparation: Inspect and repair the existing roof, then clean the surface.
  2. Install Underlayment: Apply a high-quality underlayment over the entire roof.
  3. Install Metal Sections: Cut and secure metal panels in high-stress areas, adding flashing and sealant.
  4. Overlay Asphalt Shingles: Lay shingles starting from the bottom, integrating them with metal sections, and finish with ridge cap shingles.

Why Combine Metal Roof with Asphalt Shingles?

Here are the reasons why you should combine metal roof with asphalt shingles:

Enhanced Aesthetics

Combining metal roofing with asphalt shingles can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your home. This hybrid approach allows homeowners to enjoy the sleek, modern look of metal roofing while maintaining the traditional charm of asphalt shingles. The contrast between the metal’s reflective surface and the textured appearance of shingles creates a unique and eye-catching aesthetic that can elevate the overall curb appeal of any property.

Customizable Designs: With a variety of colors, finishes, and styles available for both metal and asphalt, homeowners can create a custom look that complements their home’s architecture and personal style. Metal roofs can be designed to mimic traditional materials like slate or wood shakes, while asphalt shingles offer a range of colors from earthy tones to vibrant hues.

Architectural Accents: Hybrid roofs allow for creative design solutions. For instance, metal roofing can be used on prominent sections such as dormers, bay windows, or porches, while asphalt shingles cover the main roof. This not only adds a distinct architectural accent but also highlights specific areas of the house, making the overall design more dynamic and interesting.

Improved Durability

A hybrid roofing system combining metal and asphalt shingles can significantly enhance the overall durability of your roof. Metal roofing is renowned for its longevity, often lasting 40-70 years, while high-quality asphalt shingles can last up to 30 years. By combining these materials, homeowners can maximize the lifespan and durability of their roof.

Weather Resistance: Metal roofs are highly resistant to extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, hail, and strong winds. When paired with asphalt shingles, which provide excellent resistance to UV rays and moderate weather, the result is a roof that offers robust protection against a wide range of environmental factors.

Reduced Wear and Tear: The strategic use of metal in areas most exposed to the elements, such as ridges, edges, and valleys, can reduce the wear and tear typically experienced by asphalt shingles. This hybrid approach helps to distribute stress and prevent premature aging of the roofing materials.


Opting for a hybrid roof that combines metal and asphalt shingles can be a cost-effective solution for many homeowners. While metal roofing tends to be more expensive upfront than asphalt shingles, the hybrid approach can offer a balanced solution that optimizes both cost and performance.

Lower Initial Investment: By incorporating asphalt shingles into the roof design, homeowners can reduce the initial costs compared to installing a full metal roof. Asphalt shingles are generally less expensive per square foot and easier to install, leading to lower labor costs. Understanding how much does metal roofing cost can help homeowners budget effectively for the hybrid approach.

Long-Term Savings: Despite the higher upfront cost, metal roofing offers long-term savings due to its durability and low maintenance requirements. When combined with asphalt shingles in a hybrid roof, homeowners can enjoy the cost benefits of both materials. The metal sections reduce the frequency of repairs and replacements needed for the more vulnerable areas, while asphalt shingles provide an affordable solution for the larger roof areas.

Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs by up to 25% during hot summer months. Combining this with the insulating properties of asphalt shingles can enhance the overall energy efficiency of the home, leading to further cost savings on energy bills.

Planning Your Hybrid Roof

Assessing Roof Structure

Consulting with experienced roofing professionals is a vital step in planning a hybrid roof. Their expertise ensures that the project is executed correctly and adheres to all safety and building regulations.

Expert Advice: Professionals can provide valuable insights into the best practices for integrating metal and asphalt roofing materials. They can recommend the most suitable products, techniques, and configurations based on the specific requirements of your home and local climate conditions.

Customized Solutions: Every roof is unique, and a professional roofer can tailor the hybrid design to fit your home’s architecture and style. They can also offer suggestions for optimizing the placement of metal and asphalt sections to enhance both functionality and aesthetics.

Compliance and Permits: Roofing professionals are familiar with local building codes and regulations. They can ensure that your hybrid roofing project complies with all necessary permits and inspections, avoiding potential legal issues and ensuring the safety of the installation.

Choosing the Right Materials

Selecting the right materials is crucial for the success of a hybrid roof. The choice of metal and asphalt products will affect the roof’s performance, appearance, and longevity.

Metal Roofing Options: When choosing metal roofing, consider factors such as material type (e.g., steel, aluminum, copper), finish (e.g., painted, coated, bare metal), and profile (e.g., standing seam, corrugated). Each option has its own benefits and aesthetic appeal, so it’s important to select one that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Asphalt Shingle Varieties: Asphalt shingles come in a variety of styles, including 3-tab, architectural, and designer shingles. Each type offers different levels of durability, appearance, and cost. Architectural shingles, for example, provide better performance and a more dimensional look compared to 3-tab shingles.

Compatibility and Coordination: Ensure that the chosen metal and asphalt materials are compatible in terms of weight, installation requirements, and overall design. The colors and textures of both materials should complement each other to create a cohesive and visually appealing roof.

Quality and Warranties: Opt for high-quality materials from reputable manufacturers to ensure the longevity and reliability of your hybrid roof. Check the warranties offered for both metal and asphalt products, as comprehensive warranties can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.

Installation Process

Preparation and Inspection

Before starting the installation of a hybrid roof combining metal and asphalt shingles, it’s essential to thoroughly prepare and inspect the existing roof. This ensures a solid foundation and helps prevent future issues.

1. Roof Inspection: Begin with a detailed inspection of the current roof. Look for signs of damage such as leaks, rot, or structural weaknesses. It’s crucial to fix any problems before adding new materials.

2. Clean the Surface: Remove any debris, old shingles, or damaged materials from the roof surface. A clean and clear base is necessary for the new materials to adhere properly and ensure a smooth installation process.

3. Check Roof Structure: Ensure that the roof’s structural integrity can support the combined weight of metal panels and asphalt shingles. Reinforce any weak areas to prevent future sagging or collapse.

4. Install Underlayment: Apply a high-quality roofing underlayment over the entire roof surface. This protective layer provides additional moisture barrier and helps in insulation. Choose an underlayment suitable for both metal and asphalt shingles.

Installing the Metal Roof Sections

The next step is to install the metal roof sections, which typically cover high-stress areas like ridges, valleys, and edges.

1. Measure and Cut Metal Panels: Carefully measure the sections of the roof where the metal panels will be installed. Cut the metal panels to fit these areas, ensuring they are slightly over the edges to prevent water infiltration.

2. Secure Metal Panels: Use appropriate fasteners to secure the metal panels to the roof deck. Ensure the fasteners are tight and placed correctly to avoid any movement or lifting of the panels during high winds or storms.

3. Flashing Installation: Install metal flashing around roof edges, valleys, and joints where the metal panels meet the asphalt shingles. Flashing is crucial for directing water away from these vulnerable areas and preventing leaks.

4. Seal Seams and Joints: Apply a high-quality sealant to all seams and joints where metal panels connect. This extra step helps to prevent water penetration and ensures the durability of the hybrid roof.

Overlaying Asphalt Shingles

After installing the metal sections, the next step is to overlay the remaining areas with asphalt shingles.

1. Plan the Layout: Plan the layout of the asphalt shingles to ensure they align properly with the metal sections. Start from the bottom edge and work upwards, overlapping each row to create a watertight seal.

2. Nail Down Shingles: Use roofing nails to secure the asphalt shingles to the roof deck. Ensure each nail is driven flush with the shingle surface but not so deep that it damages the shingles.

3. Integrate with Metal Sections: Carefully integrate the asphalt shingles with the metal sections. Make sure the shingles overlap the edges of the metal panels slightly to direct water away from the seams and prevent leaks.

4. Install Ridge Cap Shingles: Finally, install ridge cap shingles along the roof’s peak. These shingles cover the ridge and help protect against water infiltration, completing the hybrid roof installation.

Key Considerations

Weather and Climate

When planning a hybrid roof, consider the local weather and climate conditions to ensure your roof performs optimally.

1. Wind Resistance: Metal panels offer excellent wind resistance, making them ideal for areas prone to high winds. Ensure that the installation includes wind-resistant techniques, such as secure fasteners and reinforced edges.

2. Snow and Ice: In colder climates, metal roofs help shed snow and ice, reducing the load on the roof structure. However, proper insulation and ventilation are essential to prevent ice dams and condensation issues.

3. UV Exposure: Asphalt shingles can deteriorate under prolonged UV exposure. Choosing high-quality, UV-resistant shingles can extend their lifespan and maintain their appearance.

Maintenance and Repairs

Maintaining a hybrid roof is key to its longevity and performance. Regular upkeep ensures both metal and asphalt sections remain in good condition.

1. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular roof inspections, especially after severe weather events. Look for signs of damage such as loose shingles, rust spots on metal panels, or damaged flashing.

2. Cleaning Debris: Keep the roof clear of debris such as leaves, branches, and dirt. Accumulated debris can trap moisture and lead to mold growth or rot, especially around the seams.

3. Addressing Damage: Promptly repair any damage to either the metal or asphalt sections. Replace damaged shingles and reseal any gaps or cracks in the metal panels to prevent leaks and further damage.

4. Professional Maintenance: Consider scheduling professional maintenance at least once a year. Roofing experts can spot potential issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye and provide necessary repairs.

Warranties and Insurance

Having the right warranties and insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your investment in a hybrid roof.

1. Manufacturer Warranties: Ensure that both the metal roofing and asphalt shingles come with manufacturer warranties. Understand what is covered, such as defects in materials or premature wear, and the duration of the warranty.

2. Installation Warranties: Check if the roofing contractor offers an installation warranty. This covers issues arising from the installation process itself, such as improper fitting or faulty workmanship.

3. Homeowner’s Insurance: Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure it covers damage to both metal and asphalt roofing materials. Update your policy if necessary to include coverage for hybrid roofing systems.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Seam Integration

Integrating seams between metal panels and asphalt shingles can be challenging but is crucial for preventing leaks.

1. Proper Overlapping: Ensure that asphalt shingles overlap the edges of metal panels. This overlap directs water away from the seams and helps prevent water infiltration.

2. Use High-Quality Flashing: Install high-quality metal flashing at the seams where metal and asphalt meet. Flashing acts as a barrier and directs water away from vulnerable areas.

3. Sealant Application: Apply a durable, waterproof sealant to the seams and joints. Regularly check and reapply the sealant as needed to maintain a watertight seal.

Ventilation and Insulation

Proper ventilation and insulation are essential for the performance and longevity of a hybrid roof.

1. Roof Ventilation: Ensure the roof has adequate ventilation to allow airflow and prevent moisture buildup. This helps in reducing the risk of mold growth and prolonging the lifespan of both roofing materials.

2. Attic Insulation: Proper attic insulation prevents heat loss in winter and reduces heat gain in summer. This helps in maintaining indoor temperatures and prevents ice dams in colder climates.

3. Ridge Vents and Soffit Vents: Install ridge vents along the roof peak and soffit vents along the eaves. This combination promotes effective airflow, helping to keep the roof deck dry and preventing moisture-related issues.

Potential Leaks

Preventing leaks is a primary concern when combining metal and asphalt roofing materials.

1. Inspect Vulnerable Areas: Regularly inspect areas prone to leaks, such as valleys, seams, and around roof penetrations like chimneys and vents. Address any signs of water infiltration immediately.

2. Waterproof Underlayment: Use a high-quality, waterproof underlayment beneath both metal and asphalt sections. This provides an extra layer of protection against leaks.

3. Professional Installation: Ensure that the roof is installed by experienced professionals. Proper metal roof installation techniques are crucial for preventing leaks and ensuring the durability of the hybrid roof.


A hybrid roof combining metal and asphalt shingles provides a unique blend of durability, aesthetic appeal, and cost-efficiency. This innovative roofing solution not only enhances your home’s curb appeal but also offers long-term protection against the elements. By carefully planning the installation and addressing key considerations, you can enjoy the benefits of both materials. If you’re considering a roofing upgrade, contact a professional roofer to explore how a metal and asphalt shingle combination can meet your needs and improve your home’s overall value.

Ready to Enhance Your Roof with a Hybrid Solution?

Combining metal roofing with asphalt shingles offers an unbeatable mix of aesthetics, durability, and cost savings. Are you ready to upgrade your roof and enjoy the benefits of a hybrid roofing system? Contact our expert team at Metal Roofing Spokane today!

Our Spokane Roofing Company specializes in creating customized hybrid roofing solutions that combine the best of metal and asphalt shingles.

Our experienced professionals in Spokane are here to guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to final installation.

Whether you’re renovating your existing roof or building a new one, we provide high-quality materials and expert craftsmanship to ensure your roof stands the test of time.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a free consultation and discover how a hybrid roof can transform your home’s curb appeal and durability.

Don’t wait—enhance your home with the perfect blend of metal and asphalt roofing!


Yes, you can mix metal roofing and asphalt shingles. This hybrid approach combines the aesthetic appeal and cost-effectiveness of shingles with the durability and weather resistance of metal, providing an attractive and long-lasting roofing solution.
Transitioning from asphalt shingles to a metal roof involves overlapping the edges of the shingles with the metal panels and using high-quality flashing to create a seamless and watertight connection. Proper installation of sealants and fasteners ensures a secure and leak-proof transition.
To connect a metal roof to an existing shingle roof, start by installing metal flashing where the two materials meet. Overlap the metal panels slightly over the shingles and use appropriate sealants and fasteners to secure the connection, ensuring a waterproof and cohesive joint.
Yes, you can overlay a metal roof over existing shingles, provided the roof structure can support the additional weight. A proper underlayment is essential to prevent moisture issues, and professional installation is recommended to ensure the overlay is done correctly and securely.
John Winston Author
John Winston

With a keen eye for detail and a wealth of experience in the industry, John's articles are your ultimate guide to durable, stylish roofing solutions.

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